How Does An Accident Affect Your Insurance?

Coping with a car accident could be burdensome and overwhelming. The accident victims need to look out for their safety and manage to inform the local authorities or insurance companies simultaneously. If you have been a victim of a car accident, a car accident lawyer can assist you in getting the best help and care that is needed. 

Many factors are affected after the accident concerning insurance. One can deal with the situation better if they are already aware of these factors. There are primarily two scenarios in which insurance can be affected by accident. 

Scenarios that affect the insurance in a car accident

  • At-fault accident 

One can get a high insurance claim if they are responsible for the accident. In this scenario, the victim is typically 50% or more responsible for the accident. It could include the victim damaging someone else’s car or property or causing injuries to a person. If you are unsure about a car accident and need guidance with the process, a car accident lawyer could provide significant help. 

The factor that affects the insurance is the victim’s fault. They should be a majority at fault in order to claim high insurance for covering all the damages that have been caused. It is also known as a chargeable accident, wherein the insurance company pays the operator at fault for the damages. 

A chargeable accident had different terms in each state. These terms decide the insurance company’s amount to pay or compensate for the operator and the victim. The operator can also get a surcharge from the insurance company that increases the insurance. 

  • Non-fault accident 

Some accidents could involve the operator not being responsible for the incident. For example, if the victim faces a car accident when their car is parked in a legally approved region. The victim is not held responsible since the accident was caused by someone else. 

The insurance rate or claim is affected based on different incidents similar to the example mentioned above. The insurance company decides the claims by determining the damages caused to the victim by someone else. Here are some of the incidents that would be considered non-fault accidents by the insurance companies: 

  • A natural or artificial calamity caused the damage
  • An animal caused the accident 
  • The driver at fault was observed violating traffic laws
  • The victim was not convicted of any violation relating to the accident 

One should note that they might be needed to prove that they were not responsible for the cause of the accident. If not proven, the insurance can be affected, and it could be considered a chargeable accident. 

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