During an initial consultation, the divorce costs can also be clarified. The divorce lawyer must inform you of the expenses incurred before hiring. The consulting divorce lawyer should provide you with a rough calculation of the divorce costs. The lawyer will then hopefully explain to you which other factors influence the prices. No exact sum can be given in general.
Legal fees
Depending on the income situation of the spouses, different costs may be incurred here. The financial situation does not affect the amount of the expenses. In general, it is not only costs for the actual divorce that can be incurred. The follow-up matters of the divorce also have a particular share, depending on the situation. Implementing pension equalization, i.e., the distribution of pension entitlements can increase divorce costs.
The equalization of gains, i.e., assets, can also lead to additional charges. In any case, get advice from your divorce lawyer beforehand about the costs you will incur. Based on the data you provide, the lawyer can calculate approximate costs.
In addition to the composition of the costs, the calculation method also plays a particular role. Divorce lawyers can therefore not easily make special offers. The divorce costs are regulated by law. While famous divorce attorneys can’t charge less, they can generally charge more than just the minimum cost. In such a case, a lawyer may be paid by the hour.
Overall, their legal fees are then higher than the legal minimum costs. Talk to your lawyer about this topic beforehand to avoid nasty surprises. Your divorce attorney can then calmly explain their costs to you.
How to change divorce attorney
In principle, you can change divorce lawyers at any time. If the lawyer has not yet acted, a lawyer change can also take place without additional costs. In general, the other divorce lawyer can also claim the total fees for the divorce. You should always think carefully about changing lawyers beforehand. This can also delay the divorce process.
Can a notary divorce me?
The question of whether a notary can also file for divorce comes up again and again. In principle, a divorce cannot be done only through the notary. Divorce proceedings must always be carried out with at least one lawyer before a family court. Before you go to the divorce lawyer, a notary can still be helpful. Such an agreement can then simplify and speed up the divorce. Submit this deed to your divorce attorney. The divorce lawyer can then attach this to their application. The court will then structure the divorce process according to uncontested divorce lawyers in Alabama.
Does mediation make sense?
Mediation before the divorce can be helpful. Mediation aims to clarify matters arising from the divorce as early as possible. These include provisions on child support or rights of access. Other topics can also be found here. This agreement then contains applicable regulations for both spouses in the best-case scenario.
The divorce attorney can then build on that and file for divorce on your behalf. The divorce proceedings are accelerated by this agreement since the court no longer needs to clarify many points. The contract of the married couples in advance saves the court, and the divorce lawyers’ work. Additional costs can also potentially be kept in uncontested divorce lawyers in Alabama.